Last night Tori came over and we had a nice craft time.
She decided to fabric paint a white shirt. She chose a castle.
(the start of the shirt)
Of course Nelson wanted to help.
While she was doing that, I was finished some button earrings I made.
Cute black shiny ones and cute black ones with a gold line.
I then started my tshirt. I didn't have any craft paint so I used real spray paint. hahahah I don't know how it will wash, or hold up, or anything but it was just a test anyway, I am going to buy some spray fabric paint!
First I scrunched, then sprayed with black and silver. Then I added a contact paper image of a peace sign and sprayed again with a nickle colour.
There was a whole body shot, but it was an awful picture. I love how it turned out! lovelovelove!
Then in the middle I painted a "tattoo" on her back. ahha that was fun.
I also made a headband. fabric flowers, lace and a button.
Here is her castle shirt by the end, looking good! I can't wait to see the whole thing!
Well, I had a blast of course. Anytime I get to craft I am happy! Thanks T for coming over and for the yummy muffins! K, next time you better be here!!! ox