Thursday, August 7, 2014

20 month Favourites

I thought I should finallllly post this because Adalyn is almost 21 months now! Always so behind!

Here is our 20 month old big girl.
She is such a joy in our lives. She makes us laugh constantly but also keeps us on our toes! She is very smart and amazes us each and every day!!

Here are some 20 month stats:

* The last time we weighed her she weighed 24.5lbs
* All of her teeth have popped through but aren't all the way down yet!
* She wears size 24 month clothes and size 6 shoes
* She has 3 bottles (homo milk) a day.
* She is talking non-stop! I can't even begin to write all of the words down that she says. She is pronouncing things a lot better as well. She was calling my Gram (her GG) Dodo...but can say GG now..and my mom was Waawaa but she can now say Gramma! She still calls socks "geeks" though!  Some newer things she is saying " I be nice", "markers", "Daddy on tractor".
* She is still loving books, blocks, lego, markers, colouring in general. Also anything to do with babies!
* On TV she likes Max and Ruby, Bubble Guppies and Emily Yeung
 *She is still a really good eater and sleeper! She eats ALL DAY LONG! Her favourite foods include: corn, rice, pickles, chicken strips and her new favourites are soup and kraft dinner. She is really good with a fork and spoon. She can eat rice no problem with a fork and yogurt/applesauce on her own as well!
* She can tell you things that are coloured blue, orange and pink (and sometimes yellow)...but can give you the correct colour marker if you ask for a certain colour.
* She can finish the sentences in the song Twinkle, twinkle little star.
* One day in the back seat when I was driving she said out of the blue "eight, nine". I said ten next so now she says "eight, nine, ten"
* She can match same objects, no problem. Also coloured marker lids to the correct marker.

 Here are a few of her favourite things at the moment:
1- Pipsqueak markers. They are so cute and little. She loves colouring but colouring with markers is her favourite. She is also now not just scribbling side to side, she is making circles now! :)

2- Baby carseat. She loves her babies! She feeds them and gives them a blankie just like her. She sometimes wants to bring her baby with us, in this car seat. So cute!

3- Ice Cream Duplo set. This is a newer toy in the house. She loves it, pretends to lick them and stacks the ice cream cones really high.

4- The Ipad. She is a whiz now. She is allowed to play at least once a day, sometimes twice..for ten minutes at a time. I usually give it to her when I am making dinner. She had her own folder that she knows how to get into, she chooses her game and sits and plays the games correctly. It is crazy how good she is at working the ipad!
Only more more post, then I will be posting her 2 YEAR update!! What!? Where has the time gone?!

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